Coline Fontaine
Designer and Project manager at the Lab-ah
Coline Fontaine has been a designer and a project manager at the Lab-ah since 2018. After graduating from the École Boulle and the ENSCI Les Ateliers, she specialized in designing projects for public spaces, focusing on educational mediation and participatory user design systems.
Benjamin Salabay
Designer and Project manager at the Lab-ah
Benjamin Salabay is a designer and an illustrator. After graduating from the ENSCI Les Ateliers in Paris in 2010, he specialized in scenography of cultural spaces, seeking a dialogue between the various forms of design through his practice and through drawing. After taking some time-off due to medical reasons and working as a teacher, Benjamin joined the Lab-ah in 2018, as a referent for space and furniture projects. Within the team, he participates in the research and writing of hospitality design through the use of creative tools and co-design.
Dr. Sonia Hamdoun
Physician at the GHU Paris Neurosciences & Psychiatrie