Our training offer meets the specific requirements for medico-social managers.

  • Do you want your team to be inspired by the world’s best medico-social practices?

  • Are you looking for successful models across the world for you to restructure the management of your facility?

  • Do you want to create a helpful dynamic at work and improve cross-office collaboration when your teams are in multiple locations?

Offer your team an exceptional experience

A digital immersion into the most innovative healthcare & medico-social organisations across the world

Create your own training experience:

choose from different packages the offer that best meets the needs of your team.

1 - How many employees do you want to be trained?

We offer different training packages adapted to each business transformation project

  • Package deal for 3 employees - 190$ excl. GST

    This package is ideal your management team to discover new international practices.

  • Package deal for 15 employees - 690$ excl. GST

    Create a group dynamic by offering your team the opportunity to immerse themselves into global innovative practices.

  • Package deal for 15+ employees – quotation available on demand

    If you wish to organise a training program from more than 15 employees, please contact us at [email protected] and we will send you a cost estimate within 48 hours.

2 - Would you like your eJourney training experience to be even more interactive?

We offer you the opportunity to discuss with international experts during live sessions.

  • Dialog Health Facilitator package deal - 490$ excl. GST

    Facilitate the adoption of good practices by adding to your virtual study trip a workshop session led by international experts from Dialog Health eJourney (partner of AHHA).

  • International expert package deal - quotation available on demand

    Benefit from customised advices from the international expert of your chosen eJourney. The discussion will be facilitated and translated (if necessary) by Dialog Health eJourney (partner of AHHA).